Istanbul’s Asian side

Istanbul’s Asian side

Visit Istanbul: the Anatolian side Istanbul is the only megalopolis in the world that straddles two continents. Europe and Asia are separated by the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea. There are three very large suspension bridges that...
The Nazar Boncuğu

The Nazar Boncuğu

The Nazar Boncuk (Nazar Boncuğu) – The blue evil eye in Turkey From your first moments in Turkey, you will certainly notice these blue pendants, eye-shaped, hanging everywhere, and sold in every souvenir shop. This object, handcrafted from glass paste, is called...
Being a woman in Istanbul

Being a woman in Istanbul

Istanbul and the women: getting rid of the clichés I am often surprised (and sometimes amused) about the remarks of my entourage when I remind them of my expatriation in Istanbul. If certain remarks and questions are really fanciful such as “Do you have to wear...
The most beautiful hammams of Istanbul

The most beautiful hammams of Istanbul

The hammams (Turkish baths) of Istanbul Once in Istanbul you can not miss a hammam session in one of the many historical Turkish baths of the city, here is some history and some addresses: Origins of the hammam: In Turkey, the traditional hammams or also called...